How can organizations support the COMMON MISSION campaign

Since November 28, 2007, the Collective has distributed a petition in the form of a post-card. Throughout Quebec, people and groups have been answering the Collective’s call. More than a hundred thousand petition cards have been ordered and the signature gathering is going well. The petition allows people to signify their individual support, but organizations cannot sign a petition.

This is why we invite you to give your support in the form of a letter. The support of organizations (groups, institutions, unions, businesses, etc.) will demonstrate the strength of the network which we are able to build together. It also has an important multiplier effect in the population, making people want to join a list of organizations they admire.

Below is a support letter. Groups and organizations are invited to reproduce it on their letterhead and to return it to the Collective once signed. We will add their name to our published list of supporting groups. We also invite them to advertise their support in their offices and to gather signatures for the petition.

  • COMMON MISSION: A complete kit

    The Collective offers you a complete kit about the issues surrounding the campaign.
  • COMMON MISSION: building a poverty-free Quebec

    The “COMMON MISSON: Building a poverty-free Quebec” campaign was launched today. It is centered around a petition to the National Assembly which has three main goals: obtain universal access to quality public services, increase minimum wage to a level which makes it possible to work one's way out of poverty, and increase social benefits to insure health and dignity to those lacking sufficient revenue. Signing this petition is a civic contribution toward a poverty-free Quebec, in the name of human rights, leading to a society enriched by all of its people.
  • Is it possible to influence political decisions while living in poverty ? Some expericences in Quebec.

    Here is a new folder prepared on the occasion of our participation to the World social forum, in january 2005.
  • A Focus on Income Support: Implementing Quebec’s Law Against Poverty and Social Exclusion

    The Canadian policy research networks (CPRN) asked Alain Noël, Director of the Université de Montréal's Centre de recherche sur les politiques et le développement social to assess the Charest government's action plan.
  • Forward, backward, sideways…

    The long-awaited government Action Plan to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion and its attendant budgetary measures, were finally published last April 2, 11 months after the date stipulated in the Quebec Act to Combat Poverty and Social Exclusion. In summary, several steps forward, backwards, and sideways. An analysis by the Collective for a poverty-free Quebec.
  • Is it possible to implement processes towards poverty-free societies?

    Since 1998 a large grassroots movement, formed in a Collective for a law on the elimination of poverty, requested from the Quebec National Assembly a law based on the formal proposal that was assembled from a survey in which thousands of persons were involved, including many persons living in poverty. Five years later there is a result: the Quebec National Assembly has just adopted unanimously a bill aiming to act against poverty and exclusion.